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What women want is dangerous, but it’s not dangerous to us, and it’s not dangerous to our people. What women want is dangerous to power, is dangerous to status quo, is dangerous to the powers that be. Because if women returned to themselves and trusted themselves and went for what they want, imbalanced relationships would be balanced. Broken relationships would be restored. Institutions, corrupt institutions would crumble. Unjust governments would topple. The world as we know it would end. And that’s exactly what we want to happen so that we can rebuild.


The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn.

~Gloria Steinem

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Women and Leadership

Transforming Visions and Diverse Voices

Jean Lau Chin, Bernice Lott, Joy K. Rice, & Janice Sanchez-Hucles, Eds.